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ABOUT 1823, DunganstownCounty WexfordIreland 
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BRIDGET MURPHY 26 SEP 1849, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA
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22 NOV 1858, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA 
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23 NOV 1858, CambridgeMiddlesex County, MA, USA 
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Patrick Kennedy was the son of a prosperous farmer from County
Wexford, Ireland. He emmigrated to America at the age of 26 to improve
his fortunes. He left a country in the middle of a devastating famine
and arrived in an immigrant ghetto where thousands of his countrymen
had fled to escape near certain death. On board he had met Bridget
Murphy, also from County Wexford and soon married her. He worked as a
cooper and died of consumption in 1858. He only survived 9 years in
this country.
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1821, DunganstownCounty WexfordIreland 
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PATRICK KENNEDY 26 SEP 1849, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA
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20 DEC 1888, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA 
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MaldenMiddlesex County, MA, USA 
| | I121 | I158 F17 |
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JAN 1861, WeymouthNorfolk County, MA, USA
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MARGARET M. KENNEDY 21 FEB 1882, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA
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12 JUL 1937, LynnEssex County, MA, USA
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MaldenMiddlesex County, MA, USA
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JUL 1855, East BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA 
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22 JUL 1855, East BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA 
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JOHN THOMAS CAULFIELD 21 FEB 1882, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA
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2 APR 1929, RevereSuffolk County, MA, USA 
⚰ |
MaldenMiddlesex County, MA, USA 
I41 | I111 F25 |
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20 JUN 1886, New York CityNY, USA
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