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11 FEB 1863, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA 
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12 FEB 1863, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA 
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MARY JOSEPHINE HANNON 18 SEP 1889, ConcordMiddlesex County, MA, USA 
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3 OCT 1950, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA 
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5 OCT 1950, West RoxburySuffolk County, MA, USA 
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Boston Mayor
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31 OCT 1865, Town of ActonMiddlesex County, MA, USA 
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JOHN FRANCIS "HONEY FITZ" FITZGERALD 18 SEP 1889, ConcordMiddlesex County, MA, USA 
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8 AUG 1964, DorchesterSuffolk County, MA, USA 
Mary Josephine's family tried to discourage her marriage to John
Fitzgerald. As second cousins they needed a dispensation from the
Catholic Church. (Canon law at the time forbid marriages which fell
within the third degree of consanguinity.) The underlying reason was
probably the fear that Josie, as she was called, and John would risk
producing retarded children. However, the love match prevailed as
records show that the dispensation was granted on September 7 and the
marriage took place September 18.