* |
14 JAN 1858, East BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA 
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16 JAN 1858, East BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA 
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MARY AUGUSTA HICKEY 23 NOV 1887, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA
✝ |
18 MAY 1929, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA 
⚰ |
MaldenMiddlesex County, MA, USA 
b |
Patrick Joseph Kennedy was the first Kennedy to enter into politics
during an era of ward bosses that controlled the political machinery
of Boston. In 1886 he was elected to the State Senate for his ward
and served three terms. He married Mary Augusta Hickey, the daughter
of a prosperous businessman.
* |
6 DEC 1857, WinthropSuffolk County, MA, USA
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PATRICK JOSEPH KENNEDY 23 NOV 1887, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA
✝ |
20 MAY 1923, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA
⚰ |
MaldenMiddlesex County, MA, USA
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11 FEB 1863, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA 
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12 FEB 1863, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA 
x |
MARY JOSEPHINE HANNON 18 SEP 1889, ConcordMiddlesex County, MA, USA 
✝ |
3 OCT 1950, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA 
⚰ |
5 OCT 1950, West RoxburySuffolk County, MA, USA 
b |
Boston Mayor
* |
31 OCT 1865, Town of ActonMiddlesex County, MA, USA 
x |
JOHN FRANCIS "HONEY FITZ" FITZGERALD 18 SEP 1889, ConcordMiddlesex County, MA, USA 
✝ |
8 AUG 1964, DorchesterSuffolk County, MA, USA 
Mary Josephine's family tried to discourage her marriage to John
Fitzgerald. As second cousins they needed a dispensation from the
Catholic Church. (Canon law at the time forbid marriages which fell
within the third degree of consanguinity.) The underlying reason was
probably the fear that Josie, as she was called, and John would risk
producing retarded children. However, the love match prevailed as
records show that the dispensation was granted on September 7 and the
marriage took place September 18.
* |
6 SEP 1888, East BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA 
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9 SEP 1888, East BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA 
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✝ |
18 NOV 1969, Hyannis PortBarnstable County, MA, USA 
⚰ |
AFTER 18 NOV 1969, BrooklineNorfolk County, MA, USA 
b |
Born in 1888, the grandson of an Irish immigrant, Joseph Patrick
Kennedy had an enormous drive to acquire both fame and fortune. His
often cited goal was to be a millionaire by the age of 35. Within a
year and a half of graduating from Harvard College, he had progressed
from bank clerk through bank examiner to bank president and was on
his way. Publicity from being the youngest U. S. bank president
opened doors to other opportunities. Soon his financial enterprises
embraced real estate, the stock market and motion pictures. Kennedy's
accumulated wealth by 1929 enabled him to establish one million dollar
trust funds for each of his children. In the 1930's he began to put
his intelligence, personality and money into politics. His
involvement in Roosevelt's inner circle during the presidential
campaign led him to believe he would receive a cabinet post. Although
that never materialized, he was chosen to head the newly created
Securities and Exchange Commission, the regulatory body set up to
govern the financial community. Later, he headed the Maritime
Commission. However, his most famous appointment was that of
ambassador to the Court of Saint James. He served from 1937 until
1940 when he retired from public service and returned to the business
world. In 1961 he suffered a debilitating stroke followed by relapses
and heart attacks that left him virtually incapacitated until his
death in 1969.

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22 JUL 1890, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA 
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JOSEPH PATRICK KENNEDY 7 OCT 1914, BostonSuffolk County, MA, USA
✝ |
22 JAN 1995, HyannisMA, USA
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Hyannis PortBarnstable County, MA, USA
